Swamp Wizard – Teaser – the next single from Swamp Music Players
Swamp Music Players – Our new single ‘Swamp Wizard’ will be released October 1st 2024 and will be our lead track for our next EP/album ‘Swamp Sandwich’. Nuestra nueva canción se lanzará el 1 de octubre de 2024. ¡Aquí está una breve vista previa de nuestra próxima canción! ¡Visite nuestro sitio web y suscríbase a nosotros en sus sitios de música favoritos! Keep updated on Swamp Music Players ! Visit our website and please subscribe to us on your favorite music sites! https://www.swampmusic.info/ Swamp Music Players links https://ffm.bio/0157mrr ‘Swamp Wizard’ featuring Steve Craik by Swamp Music Players , mixed and mastered in Detroit’s Battlechamber by Steve Greene. Special thanks to Swampers , Evert on bass and pre-mix engineering , Earl Jr Jackson Black on drums , Geoff Mason on percussion and drums , Ronan Doris on guitar and the Swamp Wizard himself on the guitar solo.
August Playlists
July Playlist and Radio
‘Warrior’ by Swamp Music Players , mixed and mastered by award winning Producer Wynn Gogol. Has been selected for spins on 99.9fm Bay FM – Living Your Arts Off show – Australia’s most easterly station.
April/May Playlists for The Lost Lo Files
Tiki Motel Two instrumental blues synth track gets some press , from our EP/Album ‘Tiki Motel 2’
‘the lost lo-Files’ April 1st 2024
‘the lost lo-Files’ April 1st 2024 is a re-release of remastered lofi music tracks from early Swamp Music Players. Only on ‘Youtube Music’ , ‘Spotify’ and Asia’s ‘KKBox’ music streaming services. We hope thousands of new listeners will rediscover our more raw , folky rootsy music
The first track ‘Devil’s Toothpick’ features the notable UK Blues artist Wily Bo Walker that was one of the first VIPs that helped spark airplay for Swamp Music Players. The following tracks feature local music artists with special mention to ‘Lost Boy Chris’ who never performed or recorded before and never considered himself a musician.

1 Devil’s Toothpick featuring Wily Bo Walker
2 Angola on the Mississippi featuring Cosmic Lee Andison
3 Cecile 2 the Lost Version featuring Lost Boy Chris and Cassandra Fenske
4 I’m a King Bee featuring Lost Boy Chris
5 Six Pack featuring Lost Boy Chris
Hermanos y hermanas, camaradas ‘lost lo-files’ (música de baja fidelidad) es nuestro álbum EP de canciones de los primeros años de nuestra carrera musical.
Mención especial al experto músico ‘Wily Bo Walker’ que fue magnánimo al ayudarnos a hacer esta canción. También una mención especial a ‘Lost Boy Chris’, la primera vez que un músico aficionado graba e interpreta música. Esperamos que descubran nuestras primeras canciones ahora que cientos y miles de ustedes se suscriben a nosotros, ¡gracias camaradas!
Playlists March 2024
Road Stop , EP by Swamp Music Players
‘Road Stop’ an EP by Swamp Music Players released on Spotify , YoutubeMusic and KKBOX.
January Playlist
Under New MGT – Swamp Music Players ,
Montagna di Suono promotion of ‘Hourly Rates’ , Swamp Music Players
December Playlists