Blogs and mentions for our EP ‘Tiki Motel 2’ -2023

Nice to be linked on Class Of Sounds , a Brazil music blog magazine.

‘Under New MGT’ featuring Earl Jr Jackson Black, from our new EP album ‘Tiki Motel 2’ ! Composed by Geoff Mason and
Mixed and mastered by the Battlechamber..

Wow ! ScannerFM picks up ‘Free Color TV’ featuring Hilary Beckett! Thanks that’s a really great outlet in Spain for Music !!!

Thanks we love Spain !
Wow! Nice feature from the Chile music media site Rock And Birra Radio for our our new EP album ‘Tiki Motel 2’

Great feature for Swamp Music Players by Penhascorock

INDIE AM – feature on ‘Free Color TV’ featuring Hilary Beckett written by Evert Pater.

Lovely feature on En Tijuana Hay Rock , a nice Mexican blog serving Tijuana and stuff north of the border !

Great feature on Music Evolution for Swamp Music Players !

CR Indie !

Cold Stone : Music Blog links SMP as one of the artists of the week

November Playlist

Free Color TV featuring Hilary Beckett , written and composed by Evert Pater , Swamp Music Players EP/Album ‘Tiki Motel 2’ , mixed and mastered by Steve Greene’s Battlechamber in Detroit. Playlist :Unsigned by Hubb UK
Ice Machine featuring Hilary Beckett , written and composed by Sugar Parks , Swamp Music Players EP/Album ‘Tiki Motel 2 , mixed and mastered by Steve Greene’s Battlechamber in Detroit , Playlist : #BeyondTheBridge Alternative by Beyond The Bridge Radio
Ice Machine featuring Hilary Beckett , written and composed by Sugar Parks , Swamp Music Players EP/Album ‘Tiki Motel 2 , mixed and mastered by Steve Greene’s Battlechamber in Detroit , Playlist : Nene’s Top Indie Artists – NenesButler presents
Free Color TV featuring Hilary Beckett ,POP playlist by Central Playlists -Clássicos e novidades do mundo pop! 
Free Color TV featuring Hilary Beckett , The best of INDIE Music in 2023 playlist by vitrolaplay
Free Color TV featuring Hilary Beckett ,PM Nueva Musica playlist by Portamento CL “Dejamos un listado con las canciones de banda o solistas que nos parecen interesantes de escuchar, en donde la mayor parte proviene de la plataforma Groover, con la cual colaboramos.”
Free Color TV featuring Hilary Beckett , Playlist by Copperstone ASA Roulette
Free Color TV featuring Hilary Beckett , chill songs playlist by avplaylists

Portal news about: music, cinema, awards and personalities (Brazilian Blog , listing our Spotify tracks ) Ice Machine featuring Hilary Beckett , written and composed by Sugar Parks , Swamp Music Players EP/Album ‘Tiki Motel 2 , mixed and mastered by Steve Greene’s Battlechamber in Detroit. Free Color TV featuring Hilary Beckett , written and composed by Evert Pater

Ice Machine featuring Hilary Beckett , written and composed by Sugar Parks . Free Color TV featuring Hilary Beckett written by Evert Pater
– Only Indie Music playlist by Marcio Senna Kiewel
Ice Machine featuring Hilary Beckett , written and composed by Sugar Parks
Free Color TV featuring Hilary Beckett
BEST WORLD MUSIC – Pop , a Chloé Playlist
Free Color TV featuring Hilary Beckett written by Evert Pater , Booklet Magazine Playlist
Free Color TV featuring Hilary Beckett, Talkish Rock-ish Playlist
Ice Machine featuring Hilary Beckett , written and composed by Sugar Parks , Swamp Music Players EP/Album ‘Tiki Motel 2 , Free Color TV featuring Hilary Beckett, Chaam Peace Is Music Playlist
Free Color TV featuring Hilary Beckett, Pop Rock and Pop playlist by Fabian Peters
Free Color TV featuring Hilary Beckett, Pop and Folk and Indie Mix a Vibes Paradise Playlist

Ice Machine featuring Hilary Beckett , written and composed by Sugar Parks , Swamp Music Players EP/Album ‘Tiki Motel 2 ,The Best Music of the week playlist , by MUSIC MEDIA

Indie Pop / Indie Rock as mais tocadas by eduardo pastore
Ice Machine featuring Hilary Beckett , written and composed by Sugar Parks , on the International Mexican Standoff playlist by AvanzadaMX
Free Color TV featuring Hilary Beckett, PLAYLIST by Roadie Music
Ice Machine featuring Hilary Beckett , written and composed by Sugar Parks , Swamp Music Players EP/Album ‘Tiki Motel 2 , Free Color TV featuring Hilary Beckett, On the Freedom Of The Soul Playlist by Kelara
Ice Machine featuring Hilary Beckett , written and composed by Sugar Parks , Swamp Music Players EP/Album ‘Tiki Motel 2
Free Color TV featuring Hilary Beckett
Free Color TV featuring Hilary Beckett, Best sense of high playlist
Under New Mgt featuring Earl Jr Jackson Black for the EP/Album Tiki Motel 2 by Swamp Music Players , on the Indie World America Indie Playlist
Ice Machine featuring Hilary Beckett , written and composed by Sugar Parks , Swamp Music Players EP/Album ‘Tiki Motel 2
Free Color TV featuring Hilary Beckett,Best Interest For Transformation playlist
Ice Machine featuring Hilary Beckett , written and composed by Sugar Parks , Swamp Music Players , Free Color TV featuring Hilary Beckett written by Evert Pater “24 HR Cable News” composed by Geoff Mason , “Under New MGT” Featuring Earl Jr Jackson Black written and composed by Geoff Mason , songs from EP/Album ‘Tiki Motel 2 , mixed and mastered by Steve Greene’s Battlechamber in Detroit On the Spotify Playlist Good Vibrations Playlist Oficial 2
Tiki Motel two , title track for Tiki Motel 2 EP/Album gets it’s first public Spotify Playlist on Ambient and Instrumental by Roadie Music !
Tiki Motel two , title track for Tiki Motel 2 EP/Album , composed and performed by Earl Jr Jackson Black, Romantic Ronan Doris and Geoff Mason
Under New Mgt featuring Earl Jr Jackson Black for the EP/Album Tiki Motel 2 by Swamp Music Players
Under New Mgt featuring Earl Jr Jackson Black for the EP/Album Tiki Motel 2 by Swamp Music Players ,
Under New Mgt , Free Color TV featuring Hilary Beckett, Tiki Motel Two
Under New Mgt , Free Color TV featuring Hilary Beckett, Tiki Motel Two
Under New Mgt , Free Color TV featuring Hilary Beckett, Tiki Motel Two
24 Hr Cable News by Swamp Music Players , written and composed by Geoff Mason , for our album/EP ‘Tiki Motel 2’ on the ReflecSons -Novos Uivos playlist
Ice Machine featuring Hilary Beckett , written and composed by Sugar Parks , mixed and mastered in the Battlechamber , Swamp Music Players EP/Album ‘Tiki Motel 2’
24 Hr Cable News , PlaylistArtistas independentes | Indie | Soft Rock | Folk |Country | AlternativePlaylist com lançamentos de artistas independentes,

Playing ‘Under New Mgt on Sunset Afternoon Vines Playlist. All the tunes you need for those lovely afternoons in the sun. Some Reggae some chill rock some chill moods.
Under New Mgt featuring Earl Jr Jackson Black for the EP/Album Tiki Motel 2 by Swamp Music Players ,Ice Machine featuring Hilary Beckett , written and composed by Sugar Parks
Free Color TV featuring Hilary Beckett
Under New Mgt featuring Earl Jr Jackson Black
Free Color TV featuring Hilary Beckett written by Evert Pater
Free Color TV featuring Hilary Beckett written by Evert Pater
Ice Machine featuring Hilary Beckett , written and composed by Sugar Parks , mixed and mastered in the Battlechamber , Swamp Music Players EP/Album ‘Tiki Motel 2’
Free Color TV featuring Hilary Beckett written by Evert Pater, Ice Machine featuring Hilary Beckett , written and composed by Sugar Parks , mixed and mastered in the Battlechamber
Free Color TV featuring Hilary Beckett written by Evert Pater ,Ice Machine featuring Hilary Beckett , written and composed by Sugar Parks , mixed and mastered in the Battlechamber
,Ice Machine featuring Hilary Beckett , written and composed by Sugar Parks , mixed and mastered in the Battlechamber
,Ice Machine featuring Hilary Beckett , written and composed by Sugar Parks , mixed and mastered in the Battlechamber
,Ice Machine featuring Hilary Beckett , written and composed by Sugar Parks , mixed and mastered in the Battlechamber

Deezer Playlist for Ice Machine by Swamp Music Players

Tiki Motel 2 by Swamp Music Players. performed by Earl Jr Jackson Black, Geoff Mason and Ronan Doris

October Playlists

Under New Mgt by Swamp Music Players (DINASTIA K4N UNIVERSE)
Free Color TV , featuring Hilary Beckett ( Radio Armazen , Sound Wave Therapy )
Free Color TV , featuring Hilary Beckett ( Novos Ulivos ,Reflecsons,playlist)
Free Color TV , featuring Hilary Beckett (Music Victory , Music Victory Soft Rock , playlist)
Ice Machine, , featuring Hilary Beckett (America Indie ,Indie World , playlist)
Free Color TV , featuring Hilary Beckett (America Indie ,Indie World , playlist)
Free Color TV , featuring Hilary Beckett (Radio Caviar Groover Total , Radio Caviar Musical ,playlist)
Ice Machine, , featuring Hilary Beckett , by Swamp Music Players , written/composed by Sugar Parks , mixed and mastered in the Battlechamber ( , Sonidos novedosos , novel sounds, sons nouveaux , playlist)
Ice Machine, , featuring Hilary Beckett , by Swamp Music Players , written/composed by Sugar Parks , , Free Color TV , featuring Hilary Beckett , Under New MGT featuring Earl Jr Jackson Black and written composed by Geoff Mason, Hourly Rates and Tikie Motel two with Earl Jr , written and composed by Geoff Mason and Romantic Ronan Doris , 24 Hr Cable News written and composed by Geoff Mason. all songs mixed and mastered in the Battlechamber by Steve Greene. (Alejandro Balcazar , Indie Music Octubre 2023 ,playlist)
Free Color TV , featuring Hilary Beckett (Mhdi_Alizdh , Best Songs from MH , playlist)
Ice Machine, , featuring Hilary Beckett , by Swamp Music Players , written/composed by Sugar Parks ( Feel The Energy , Stars Are Born , playlist)
Free Color TV , featuring Hilary Beckett ( Feel The Energy : Rock’N’Roll Road Trip . playlist)
Free Color TV , featuring Hilary Beckett ( Feel The Energy :Indie Folk and Country Music , playlist )
Free Color TV , featuring Hilary Beckett (Feel The Energy : pov you are blasting your favorite songs , feel the energy top picks ,Playlist )
Free Color TV , featuring Hilary Beckett (MusicNerd Playlist : Dreamy Paradise)

Free Color TV , featuring Hilary Beckett

Free Color TV , featuring Hilary Beckett (Rock and Roll Classics , playlist)
Free Color TV , featuring Hilary Beckett (Musica de los 90’s)
Free Color TV , featuring Hilary Beckett(Notion Vibes )
Free Color TV , featuring Hilary Beckett (Harry Potter vibes –paulcorrea3)

Free Color TV , featuring Hilary Beckett (Harper, The Evolution Of Sounds, playlist )

Swamp Music Players | Free Color TV

. Tinnitist = Darryl Sterdan adds Swamp Music Players youtube to his top 300 playlist

Free Color TV , featuring Hilary Beckett , a playlist by Roadie Music , Folk and Country Road
Free Color TV , featuring Hilary Beckett a playlist by Radio 675 , best of Ottobre 2023
Free Color TV , featuring Hilary Beckett a playlist by Improvisando Radio
Free Color TV , featuring Hilary Beckett a playlist by Paola Puggioni , SPOTMUSIC

September Playlists

Devil’s Toothpick featuring Wily Bo Walker , a song by Swamp Music Players
Devil’s Toothpick featuring Wily Bo Walker , a song by Swamp Music Players
Under New MGT by Swamp Music Players
Under New MGT by Swamp Music Players
Under New MGT by Swamp Music Players
Under New MGT by Swamp Music Players
Under New MGT by Swamp Music Players
A Cosmic Americana single recorded and mixed by award winning producer Wynn Gogol. Usted Gracias por escuchar nuestra música
A Cosmic Americana single recorded and mixed by award winning producer Wynn Gogol. Usted Gracias por escuchar nuestra música
A Cosmic Americana single recorded and mixed by award winning producer Wynn Gogol. Usted Gracias por escuchar nuestra música. Warrior is a dark and contemplative song about the hard unforgiving life of a ring fighter and the cosmic mystery that may hang over our heads. Writing Team of Matt Franke, Drew “Deja” Beckett, Wynn Gogol and Don Danger Jon. Performed in studio by Matt Franke (Vox,Guitar), Evert Pater (Bass), Adam Cleland (Lead Guitar) and Nick Dokter(Drums).

August exposure

Romania Music Blog

‘Under New MGT’ by Swamp Music Players Broadcast in August 2023 on


Sword Radio UK – – Thursday 9pm
KrystalRadio Station – – Friday 7pm
Pop Radio UK – – Monday 8pm , Tuesday 8pm and Wednesday 8pm
Bunka Radio (Columbia) – – Monday 1am
Charlie Mason Radio (USA) – – Tuesday 10pm


Crowd Pleaser Featuring Joseph Gearheart and Sugar Parks

TIKI MOTEL 2 : Release Date : 2023-10-27


Swamp Music Players TIKI MOTEL 2 🍹🗿

‘Swamp Music Players’  : Victoria/Canada : Label Swamp Music Players Inc.  

Are ecstatic to finally release ‘Tiki Motel 2’ the followup to our overachieving  lofi-EP ‘‘555 Tiki Motel’ that received significant airplay on 14 Canadian radio stations during the heights of the pandemic and charted on CFUV Victoria. 

Swamp Music Players – EP/Album ‘Tiki Motel 2’ will be released on music streaming and to college radio across North America on October 27th 2023. Join us at the sun bleached Tiki Motel where love,  suspicion and vibes intersect. An EP/album of retro-futuristic stylized American music genres of Swamp Pop,Alt Rock , Alt synth Pop  and Blues.       

Release Date : 2023-10-27

July Playlists

Under New MGT by Swamp Music Players
Jezebel by Swamp Music Players , featuring Sugar Parks and mixed and mastered in The Battlechamber
Under New MGT by Swamp Music Players

Music Blog review about Under New MGT by Swamp Music Players . Friday Night Border Crossing music blog and podcast showcasing emerging artists from Tijuana.

Under New MGT.. showcases the band’s ability to evoke a sense of despair and hopelessness through rough vocals and meticulously structured music”

Penhasco Rock é uma web rádio, online 24 , Youtube Playlist

Under New MGT by Swamp Music Players
Under New MGT by Swamp Music Players
Under New MGT by Swamp Music Players
Under New MGT by Swamp Music Players on a Youtube playlist

Under New MGT by Swamp Music Players
Under New MGT by Swamp Music Players
Under New MGT by Swamp Music Players
Under New MGT by Swamp Music Players
Under New MGT by Swamp Music Players
Under New MGT by Swamp Music Players
‘Jezebel’ featuring Sugar Parks, a Swamp Music Players song mixed and mastered at Detroit’s Battlechamber by Steve Greene , a link to our video provided by Hits Actus
Media Outlet·France
Devil’s Toothpick featuring Wily Bo Walker , Under New MGT ft Earl Jr Jackson Black
Under New MGT by Swamp Music Players , composed by Geoff Mason
Car Wheels On A Gravel Road , cover song , Swamp Music Players featuring Hilary Beckett
Crowd Pleaser featuring Sugar Parks and Joseph Gearheart

June playlists

‘Scared To Love’ featuring Laura Jacobs
‘Crowd Pleaser’ featuring Joseph Gearheart and Sugar Parks
‘Crowd Pleaser’ featuring Joseph Gearheart and Sugar Parks
‘Crowd Pleaser’ featuring Joseph Gearheart and Sugar Parks
‘Crowd Pleaser’ featuring Joseph Gearheart and Sugar Parks
‘Crowd Pleaser’ featuring Joseph Gearheart and Sugar Parks
‘Crowd Pleaser’ featuring Joseph Gearheart and Sugar Parks
‘Crowd Pleaser’ featuring Joseph Gearheart and Sugar Parks
‘Crowd Pleaser’ featuring Joseph Gearheart and Sugar Parks
‘Crowd Pleaser’ featuring Joseph Gearheart and Sugar Parks
‘Crowd Pleaser’ featuring Joseph Gearheart and Sugar Parks
Hourly Rates by Swamp Music Players
No Vacancy featuring Jaclyn Hull written by Joseph Gearheart
Swamp Music Players ‘Devil’s Toothpick’ featuring Wily Bo Walker and written by Deja Mountain Drew Beckett
Swamp Music Players ‘Devil’s Toothpick’ featuring Wily Bo Walker and written by Deja Mountain Drew Beckett
No Vacancy featuring Jaclyn Hull of Victoria BC , song is written and composed by Americana artist Joseph Gearheart of Virginia
Hourly Rates by Swamp Music Players , composed written and performed by Romantic Ronan Doris , Earl Jr Jackson Black and Geoff Ma

‘Crowd Please’ featuring Joseph Gearheart and Sugar Parks

Jezebel Featuring Sugar Parks , is a Swamp Music Players song mixed and mastered at the Battle Chamber
Jezebel Featuring Sugar Parks , is a Swamp Music Players song mixed and mastered at the Battle Chamber
‘Crowd Pleaser’ featuring Joseph Gearheart and Sugar Parks
Jezebel Featuring Sugar Parks , is a Swamp Music Players song mixed and mastered at the Battle Chamber
Jezebel Featuring Sugar Parks , is a Swamp Music Players song mixed and mastered at the Battle Chamber
Swamp Music Players ‘Hourly Rates’
Swamp Music Players ‘Hourly Rates’
Swamp Music Players – Under New Mgt composed and written by Geoff Mason and performed by Earl Jr Jackson Black
Under New Mgt
Under New Mgt
Under New Mgt
Under New Mgt
Under New Mgt
Jezebel Featuring Sugar Parks , is a Swamp Music Players song mixed and mastered at the Battle Chamber

May Playlists

‘Hourly Rates’ by Swamp Music Players
‘Hourly Rates’ by Swamp Music Players
‘Hourly Rates’ by Swamp Music Players
‘Hourly Rates’ by Swamp Music Players
‘Hourly Rates’ by Swamp Music Players
‘Hourly Rates’ by Swamp Music Players
‘No Vacancy’ by Swamp Music Players
‘Hourly Rates’ by Swamp Music Players
‘Hourly Rates’ by Swamp Music Players

Youtube Playlist for Crusier and Hourly Rates

‘Hourly Rates’ by Swamp Music Players
‘Hourly Rates’ by Swamp Music Players
‘No Vacancy’ by Swamp Music Players
‘No Vacancy’ by Swamp Music Players
‘Warrior’ A Cosmic Americana single recorded and mixed by award winning producer Wynn Gogol.

Spotify playlist for El Rocanrosaurio season 10. ‘Hourly Rates’

Swamp Music Players on a Youtube Playlist , Penhasco Rock , with our track ‘My Angel Awakes’

‘Crowd Please’ featuring Joseph Gearheart and Sugar Parks
‘Truck Parking’ featuring
Scared To Love featuring Laura Jacobs
Scared To Love featuring Laura Jacobs
Hourly Rates
‘No Vacancy’ by Swamp Music Players featuring Jaclyn Hull
Hourly Rates
Crowd Pleaser featuring Joseph Gearheart and Sugar Parks

April Playlists

Truck Parking featuring Joseph Gearheart , a Swamp Music Players song from the EP ‘555 Tiki Motel’ , April 2023
‘Scared To Love’ featuring Laura Jacobs , a Swamp Music Players song from the EP ‘Commercial Touchdown’ , April 2023
Cruiser ( a cover song of The Cars) featuring Evert Pater , April 2023
‘Car Wheels On A Gravel Road’ cover song featuring Hilary Beckett , April 2023
, April 2023
, April 2023
, April 2023
‘Still In Hollywood’ and ‘Car Wheels On A Gravel Road’ , cover songs for Swamp Music Players featuring Hilary Beckett , April 2023
Youtube Playlist with ‘Still In Hollywood’ and ‘Car Wheels On A Gravel Road’ , cover songs for Swamp Music Players featuring Hilary Beckett , April 2023
‘Still In Hollywood’ cover song for Swamp Music Players featuring Hilary Beckett , April 2023
‘Still In Hollywood’ cover song for Swamp Music Players featuring Hilary Beckett , April 2023
‘Scared To Love’ featuring Laura Jacobs , Swamp Music Players , for the month of April 2023 , April 2023
‘Scared To Love’ featuring Laura Jacobs , Swamp Music Players , for the month of April 2023
‘Scared To Love’ featuring Laura Jacobs , Swamp Music Players , for the month of April 2023
‘Scared To Love’ featuring Laura Jacobs , Swamp Music Players , for the month of April 2023
‘Scared To Love’ featuring Laura Jacobs , Swamp Music Players , for the month of April 2023
‘Scared To Love’ featuring Laura Jacobs , Swamp Music Players , for the month of April 2023
‘Scared To Love’ featuring Laura Jacobs , Swamp Music Players , for the month of April 2023
Still In Hollywood featuring Hilary Beckett for Swamp Music Players , a cover song of Concrete Blonde
Crowd Pleaser featuring Joseph Gearheart and Sugar Parks
‘Warrior’ A Cosmic Americana single recorded and mixed by award winning producer Wynn Gogol.
‘Warrior’ A Cosmic Americana single recorded and mixed by award winning producer Wynn Gogol.
Truck Parking featuring Joseph Gearheart
Scared To Love featuring Laura Jacobs ,’Warrior’ A Cosmic Americana single recorded and mixed by award winning producer Wynn Gogol.

‘Warrior’ A Cosmic Americana single recorded and mixed by award winning producer Wynn Gogol
‘Scared To Love’ featuring Laura Jacobs , Swamp Music Players ,
Warrior’ A Cosmic Americana single recorded and mixed by award winning producer Wynn Gogol
No Vacancy featuring Jaclyn Hull